Bludot Resource Library
Check out case studies, blogs and updates from the leaders in Economic Development software for government
Customer Success Stories
How Southlake, TX delivered $1.5M in economic impact with Bludot's Open Rewards Program
Economic development tools for an innovative department in Miramar, FL
Shop more in Lancaster: How the city is using Bludot's shop local app to support businesses
How Arlington County, VA’s BizLaunch is building a strong business community with Open Rewards
How Johnstown, CO leveraged tech to streamline their business license renewal process
Why acquiring property should be a key part of your business retention and expansion strategy
The benefits of an interactive business directory
Bludot Open Rewards benefits the whole community
Sharing BR&E initiatives with your City Council
4 ways to jumpstart your economic development department
Surveying success: Pioneering economic growth one response at a time
Leveraging a new shop local app for Small Business Week (and beyond)
Company Updates
Las Vegas rolls out innovative shop local campaign to help impacted businesses
2022: Year in Review
Bludot launches in Louisiana, Maine, and Nebraska this week!
We've launched in Huntington Beach, CA!
Bludot expands to Fountain Hills, AZ
Bludot Partners with The Opportunity Exchange
You are in good company
Trusted by 100+ communities across 27 states
What's New
Case Study: Rural Business Development and Grant Writing with Thrive Allen County
Transitioning into a Post Pandemic Strategy with Concord, CA
Cape Ann Regional Pilot Grant funds tools that help local businesses for a strong Cape Ann Comeback
Celina, TX builds on the city's rapid growth + expands Economic Development efforts with Bludot